About us

Samm's Story

The Why

I love people, and always have. I have also fostered a love for being entrepreneurial since a young age. This entrepreneurial spirit has taken many shapes and forms throughout my career, from creating new businesses from inception, or assisting businesses through intervention and creating new development.

The exciting space I am in now allows me the freedom to create, heal and grow more as an individual, mother, wife and business partner. As my journey changes this space is a dynamic and creative space which changes too. The best news is that I have a host of Professionals I can find answers with, and that can help guide me in the right direction as well as endorse me 100 %.

There is a saying “do more of what you love every day, and you will never work another day in your life.”  Whilst I certainly agree that I DO love life and what I do, the journey has not always been a simple one.

'So Authentically Me … Naturally' was born from a place of absolute desperation in needing a lifestyle change.

I could have done none of this on my strength alone.  It is by Faith, an incredible support structure, and the love from my Husband Roger, that I have arrived at this destination.

If my story can help just one person become more whole, I hope that person passes on the knowledge and wisdom so that we create a chain reaction of hope and love with gratitude …

Samantha V. Cooper-Boulle
Samm - Founder

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